Once having believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, it is absolutely necessary for us as His children to go on to maturity and not remain in the kindergarten of our faith. The life of Christ within us must be cultivated, much like a seed when sewn into soil. In light of this, any Golden Nugget of Truth that you select is not just for casual reading. The truth of God’s word like a seed must take root in order for it to “come up” into the fullness of God. There is a need first for an understanding of how the inner Life is cultivated…which it must be. This principle as set forth in the Scriptures and described by Andrew Murray will be very helpful to you in understanding how a Christian is to walk in truth…no longer just giving mental assent with our intellect, but now receiving and truly believing within our hearts. May these truths on this page be a blessing to you in that endeavor!

In His Glorious Life, 
Marjorie Merz Fennell
May 15, 2014

Golden Nuggets of Truth
"My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God." (Proverbs 2:1-5)

A Collection of Teachings Both Old and New

Communion with the Lord  (A tool for your personal prayer journal)